Pain Management Services in Portsmouth, NH

Our Physicians at our Portsmouth NH clinic specialize in the treatment of chronic, intractable pain including Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Pudendal Neuralgia as well as pain from Cancer, Nerve Damage, Herniated Discs, and Arthritic Joints (Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Hands, Sacroiliac, Hips, Knees, Ankles, Feet).
Our approach involves a customized treatment plan including Injection Procedures, Radiofrequency Neurolysis, Kyphoplasty, Platelet Rich Plasma Injections, Hydrodiscectomy, medications, and implantable devices such as Spinal Cord Stimulators, Intrathecal Pumps, and Occipital Neurostimulators.
To view educational videos on some of the treatments we offer, click on the link below.
Treatments and Procedures
- Abdominal wall block
- Achilles tendon injection
- Acromioclavicular joint injection
- Ankle joint injection
- Brachial plexus block, axillary approach
- Brachial plexus block, interscalene approach
- Brachial plexus block, supraclavicular approach
- Carpal tunnel injection
- Caudal epidural steroid injection
- Celiac plexus block
- Cervical facet joint block
- Cervical spinal cord stimulation
- Cubital tunnel injection
- Elbow joint injection
- Femoral nerve block
- Finger joint injection
- Foot joint injection
- Ganglion impar block
- Geniculate Nerve Block
- Genitofemoral nerve block
- Glenohumeral joint injection
- Hydrodiscectomy
- Hypogastric plexus block
- Ilioinguinal nerve block
- Intercostal nerve block
- Interlaminar lumbar epidural steroid injection
- Interlaminar cervical epidural steroid injection
- Interlaminar thoracic epidural steroid injection
- Intrathecal drug delivery refill and programming
- Intrathecal drug delivery trial
- Knee joint injection
- Knee orthotic fitting
- Kyphoplasty
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
- Lumbar discography
- Lumbar facet joint block
- Lumbar spinal cord stimulation
- Lumbar support orthotic fitting
- Lumbar sympathetic block
- Nucleoplasty
- Plantar fascia block
- Platelet rich plasma injection
- Pudendal nerve block
- Radiofrequency Ablation: Cervical facet joint
- Radiofrequency Ablation: Lumbar facet joint
- Radiofrequency Ablation: Sacroiliac joint
- Radiofrequency Ablation: Genicular nerves
- Radiofrequency Ablation: Trigeminal nerve
- Rotator cuff injection
- Sacroiliac joint block
- Stellate ganglion block
- Stem Cell Injections and Infusions
- Tarsal tunnel injection
- Temporomandibular joint injection
- Thoracic spinal cord stimulation
- Transforaminal lumbar epidural steroid injection
- Trigeminal nerve block
- Trochanteric bursa injection
- Ulnar nerve block
- Viscosupplementation of knee joints
- Wrist joint injection